
A Cup of coffee, Please! 

With the very stunning name of coffee drinks, you always come up with a thought that the taste would be as wonderful as the name. Obviously, there are many types of coffee drinks which have different flavor ranging from milky and light to strong caffeine. What you have to know basically is your own taste. Which flavor do you want?

So, today I will show you some of the most popular of coffee drinks these days, and I hope next time you will be able to enjoy your tasty cup of coffee comfortably with your friends or with your colleagues.


Espresso coffee is made by forcing hot water under high pressure percolates through finely combination of several types of ground coffee beans.  

Espresso is usually served in much smaller since it contains more caffeine per unit volume than most coffee beverages. It is generally thicker and higher concentration. Espresso is also used as the base of other coffee drinks including coffee latte, Cappuccino, Macchiato, Mocha, and Americano.


Americano  is a style of coffee prepared by adding hot water to espresso. The strength of an Americano varies with the number of shots of espresso added.


Macchiato Coffee is an espresso coffee drink with a small amount of milk added, or foamed milk, and a dusting of cocoa powder.

Cafe Latte

Latte is a drink made by adding an espresso to a steamed milk, generally in a 1:3 to 1:5 ratio of espresso to milk, and a little foam on top.


Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam. It differs from a Latte in that it is prepared with much less steamed milk. A Cappuccino usually exceeds the height of the cup, making the foam visible above the side of the cup. It is traditionally serve in a porcelain cup.

Cafe Mocha

Mocha or Mochaccino is a variation of a Latte. It is typically one third espresso and two thirds steamed milk, but a portion of Chocolate is added ( foam of chocolate syrup), and other vending systems use instant chocolate powder.

Flat White

Flat White is an espresso with a similar proportion of coffee to milk as a Latte and Cappucino, but the main difference is the texture of the milk and the number of espresso shots.

Cafe Affogato

Affogato is a coffee-based drink or dessert. "Affogato Style", which refers to the act of topping a drink or dessert with espresso, may also incorporate caramel sauce or chocolate sauce.

"Please tell me which flavor do you want to taste?"
